PCCA162 Project
Project title: Complex high surface area photoactive nano-materials for environmentally-friendly energy production and organic pollutants degradation
Periode: 2012
Contact Person:
Project Director: Dr. Eniko Gyorgy (INFLPR)
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics - INFLPR
Atomiștilor 409, Măgurele, Romania
Partner institution:
National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies – IMT
126A, Erou Iancu Nicolae street, 077190 Bucharest, ROMANIA
TThe aim of the project is the production and processing of complex nanocomposites consisting of noble metal nanoparticles and anion as well as metal cation doped oxide nanotubes and nanowires for environmental applications. It is well known, that energy production and environmental pollution are facing a major problem due to harmful industrial processes, and it is essential to find a renewable energy source for environmental protection. Highly efficient nanocomposite materials have the potential to slove the present energy crisis by solar energy convertion through photovoltaic cells, hydrogen generation by water spliting, safe drinking water provision through water treatment catalysts eliminating organic pollutants, environmental self-cleaning, as well as safe healthcare environments in form of coatings that can destroy bacteria reducing hospital acquired infections. The studies will be based on the accurate characterisation of the nanostructured materials, consisting of noble metal nanoparticles as well as ordered oxide nano-arrays formed by nanotubes and nanowires. The materials will be obtained through non-conventional laser deposition methods.
The objectives of the project can be summarized as following:
O1. Synthesis of transition metal oxide nano-arrays, nanotubes, nanowires, doped with aniond and cations.
O2. Creation of complex, high active surface area nano-composites consisting of noble metal nanoparticles and co-doped transition metal oxide nano-arrays, nanotubes and nanowires.
O3. Investigation of optical and local electric properties at the nanoscale.
O4. Tailoring the materials properties as a function of process parameters.
O5. Photoconductivity and carrier decay measurements under UV and visible illumination for sensitivity, electronic conduction mechanisms, and carriers traps determination.
O6. Photodegradation of organic pollutants under solar light.
O1. Synthesis of transition metal oxide nano-arrays, nanotubes, nanowires, doped with aniond and cations.
O2. Creation of complex, high active surface area nano-composites consisting of noble metal nanoparticles and co-doped transition metal oxide nano-arrays, nanotubes and nanowires.
O3. Investigation of optical and local electric properties at the nanoscale.
O4. Tailoring the materials properties as a function of process parameters.
O5. Photoconductivity and carrier decay measurements under UV and visible illumination for sensitivity, electronic conduction mechanisms, and carriers traps determination.
O6. Photodegradation of organic pollutants under solar light.
Research Team:
• Dr. Eniko Gyorgy
• Dr. Camelia Popescu
• Dr. Andrei Popescu
• Dr. Liviu Duta
• Dr. Camelia Popescu
• Dr. Andrei Popescu
• Dr. Liviu Duta
Titlul proiectului: Complex high surface area photoactive nano-materials for environmentally-friendly energy production and organic pollutants degradation
Perioada: 2012
Persoana de contact:
Director Proiect Dr. Eniko Gyorgy (INFLPR)
Institutul Național pentru Fizica Laserilor, Plasmei și Radiației - INFLPR
Atomiștilor 409, Măgurele, ROMÂNIA
Instituție parteneră:
Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Microtehnologii - IMT
Str. Erou Iancu Nicolae 126A, 077190 București, ROMÂNIA
The aim of the project is the production and processing of complex nanocomposites consisting of noble metal nanoparticles and anion as well as metal cation doped oxide nanotubes and nanowires for environmental applications. It is well known, that energy production and environmental pollution are facing a major problem due to harmful industrial processes, and it is essential to find a renewable energy source for environmental protection. Highly efficient nanocomposite materials have the potential to slove the present energy crisis by solar energy convertion through photovoltaic cells, hydrogen generation by water spliting, safe drinking water provision through water treatment catalysts eliminating organic pollutants, environmental self-cleaning, as well as safe healthcare environments in form of coatings that can destroy bacteria reducing hospital acquired infections. The studies will be based on the accurate characterisation of the nanostructured materials, consisting of noble metal nanoparticles as well as ordered oxide nano-arrays formed by nanotubes and nanowires. The materials will be obtained through non-conventional laser deposition methods.
The objectives of the project can be summarized as following:
O1. Synthesis of transition metal oxide nano-arrays, nanotubes, nanowires, doped with aniond and cations.
O2. Creation of complex, high active surface area nano-composites consisting of noble metal nanoparticles and co-doped transition metal oxide nano-arrays, nanotubes and nanowires.
O3. Investigation of optical and local electric properties at the nanoscale.
O4. Tailoring the materials properties as a function of process parameters.
O5. Photoconductivity and carrier decay measurements under UV and visible illumination for sensitivity, electronic conduction mechanisms, and carriers traps determination.
O6. Photodegradation of organic pollutants under solar light.
O1. Synthesis of transition metal oxide nano-arrays, nanotubes, nanowires, doped with aniond and cations.
O2. Creation of complex, high active surface area nano-composites consisting of noble metal nanoparticles and co-doped transition metal oxide nano-arrays, nanotubes and nanowires.
O3. Investigation of optical and local electric properties at the nanoscale.
O4. Tailoring the materials properties as a function of process parameters.
O5. Photoconductivity and carrier decay measurements under UV and visible illumination for sensitivity, electronic conduction mechanisms, and carriers traps determination.
O6. Photodegradation of organic pollutants under solar light.
Echipa de cercetare:
• Dr. Eniko Gyorgy
• Dr. Camelia Popescu
• Dr. Andrei Popescu
• Dr. Liviu Duta
• Dr. Camelia Popescu
• Dr. Andrei Popescu
• Dr. Liviu Duta
[1] E. Gyorgy, A. Perez del Pino, J. Roqueta, B. Ballesteros, L. Cabana, G. Tobias, “Effect of laser radiation on multi-wall carbon nanotubes: study of shell structure and immobilization process”, Journal of Nanoparticles Research, 15 (2013) 1852 (1-11)
[2] E. Gyorgy, A. Perez del Pino, J. Roqueta, A.S. Miguel, C. Maycock, A G. Oliva, “Processing and immobilization of chondroitin-4-sulphate by UV laser radiation”, Colloids and Surface B: Biointerfaces, 104 (2013) 169–173
[3] M. Motoc, C. Popescu, E. Axente, L. E. Sima, S. M. Petrescu, I. N. Mihailescu, E.Gyorgy, “Active hybrid organic-inorganic bi-layers grown by laser techniques”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A, 101 (2013) 2706-2711
[4] M. Popescu, A. Velea, F. Sava, Adam Lőrinczi, “Chalcogenide systems at the border of the glass formation domain: a key for understanding the memory switching phenomena”, Physica Status Solidi B: Basic Solid State Physics, 251 (2014) 1334–1339
[5] M. Popescu, F. Sava, A. Velea, A. Lőrinczi, I. D. Simandan, „Simulation of the structure of GeAs3Te7 chalcogenide materials during memory switching”, Canadian Journal of Physics, 92 (2014) 675-680
[6] L. Duta, C. Popescu, A. Popescu, M. Motoc, C. Logofatu, A. Duta, E. Gyorgy, “Synthesis and Characterization of Nitrogen Doped and Gold Loaded TiO2 Photocatalysts”, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 117 (2014) 97–101
[7] E. Gyorgy, A. Perez del Pino, C. Logofatu, C. Cazan, A. Duta, “Simultaneous laser-induced reduction and nitrogen doping of graphene oxide in titanium oxide/graphene oxide composites”, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 97 [9] (2014) 2718–2724
[8] E. Gyorgy, A. Perez del Pino, C. Logofatu, A. Duta, L. Isac, “Effect of nitrogen doping on wetting and photoactive properties of laser processed zinc oxide - graphene oxide nanocomposite layers”, Journal of Applied Physics, 116 (2014) 024906
[9] C. Popescu, A. C. Popescu, I. Iordache, M. Motoc, D. Pojoga, A. Simon-Gruita, N. Constantin, G. Duta Cornescu, E. Gyorgy, “Structure and enzymatic activity of laser immobilized ribonuclease A”, Journal of Materials Science, 49 (2014) 4371–4378
[10] A. Datcu, L. Duta, A. Perez del Pino, C. Logofatu, C. Luculescu, A. Duta, D. Perniu, E. Gyorgy, “One-step preparation of nitrogen doped titanium oxide / Au / reduced graphene oxide composite thin films for photocatalytic applications”, RSC Advances, 5 (2015) 49771-49779
[11] A. Perez del Pino, E. Gyorgy, C. Logofatu, J. Puigmart-Luis, W. Gao, “Laser-induced chemical transformation of graphene oxide–iron oxide nanoparticles composites deposited on polymer substrates”, Carbon 93 (2015) 373-383
[12] A. Duta, A. Enesca, C. Bogatu, E. Gyorgy, “Solar-active photocatalytic tandems. A compromise in the photocatalytic processes design”, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 42 (2016) 94–97
[13] E. Gyorgy, A. Perez del Pino, A. Datcu, L. Duta, C. Logofatu, I. Iordache, A. Duta, "Titanium oxide – graphene oxide – silver ternary composite thin films grown by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation", Submitted for publication, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
[14] M. Popescu, F. Sava, A. Lorinczi, A. Velea, I. D. Simandan, A. C. Galca, G. Socol, F. Gherendi, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, „Amorphous thin films in the system Gallium-Chalcogen”, Submitted for publication, Physica Status Solidi (b)
Conference presentations:
[1] E. Gyorgy, A. Perez del Pino, F. Sava, V. Braic, A.M. Vlaicu, C. Logofatu, M. Popescu, A. Duta, “Photoactive nanocomposite materials grown by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation“, Poster presentation, European Materials Research Symposium, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2013, May 27-31 2013, Strasbourg, France
[2] A. Perez del Pino, L. Cabana, B. Ballesteros, G. Tobias, E. Gyorgy, “Deposition of Multi Wall and Functionalized Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes through Matrix Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation”, Poster presentation, European Materials Research Symposium, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2013, May 27-31, 2013, Strasbourg, France
[3] L. Duta, C. Popescu, A. Popescu, C. Logofatu, A. Duta, E. Gyorgy, “Synthesis and Characterization of Anion Doped and Noble Metal Loaded TiO2 Photocatalysts”, Poster presentation, 12th International Conference on laser Ablation, COLA-2013, October 6-11, 2013, Ischia, Italy
[4] A. Duta, D. Perniu, L. Andronic, A. Enesca, „Surfactant assisted SPD for wide bandgap semiconductors with tailored opto-electronic applications”, Poster presentation, International Conference E-MRS Fall Meeting, September 16-20, 2013, Varsaw, Poland
[5] D. Perniu, M. Duta, L.Isac, E.Ienei, A. Duta, „Tailoring the morphology of ZnO thin films obtined by surfactants assisted spray pyrolysis”, Poster presentation, International Conference E-MRS Fall Meeting, September 16-20, 2013 Varsaw, Poland
[6] Anca Duta, „How close to scaling up is photocatalysis for advanced treatment of waters with complex pollutant load?”, Invited presentation, International Conference GCC-2013, 28 Iunie-1 Iulie 2013, Dalian, China (prezentare invitata)
[7] Maria Visa, „Sustainable Treatment of Industrial Wastewaters with Complex Composition using fly ash”, 2nd International Congress on Invited presentation, Advanced Materials (AM2013), 16-19 Mai, Zhenjiang, China
[8] I. Camps, L. Duta, C. Nita, E. Gyorgy, M. Borlaf, R. Serna, C. Logofatu, M. T. Colomer, R. Moreno, “Light emitting TiO2: Eu thin films produced by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation from colloidal sols”, Poster presentation, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2014, Lille, France
[9] L. Duta, C. Nita, I. Camps, R. Serna, M. Borlaf, M. T. Colomer, R. Moreno, A. Perez del Pino, C. Logofatu, E. Gyorgy, “Er and Eu doped TiO2 thin films grown by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation from colloidal solutions: structure and optical properties”, Poster presentation, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2014, Lille, France
[10] A. Datcu, A. Perez del Pino, C. Logofatu, A. Duta, E. Gyorgy, “Effect of nitrogen doping on wetting and photoactive properties of laser processed zinc oxide - graphene oxide nanocomposite layers”, Poster with flash presentation, awarded with the 1st Place Poster Presentation Prize, Nanoscience Advances in CBRN Agents Detection, Information and Energy Security; organizat de NATO Advanced Study Institute in cadrul programului Science for Peace and Security (SPS) al North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 29.05-06.06.2014
[11] A.Duta, A. Enesca, L. Isac, D. Perniu, „Solar active photocatalytic thin films of tandem type. Design and performance”, Poster presentation, E-MRS Fall Meeting, Sept. 15-18, 2014, Varsovia
[12] A. Duta, A. Enesca, L. Isac, “Up-scaling Photocatalysis: Prerequisites and Barriers, Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences”, Keynote lecture, IC-ANMBES, 13-15 June 2014, Brasov
[13] A. Duta, A. Enesca, L. Isac, D. Perniu, “Tuning the Optical Properties in Photocatalytic Composites Involving Wide Band Gap Semiconductors”, Keynote lecture, 6th International Workshop, "Advanced optical and X-ray characterization techniques of multifunctional materials for information and communication technologies, health and renewable energy applications, 10-12 septembrie 2014, Bucuresti, Academia Romana – Inst. Ilie Murgulescu
[14] A.Duta, A. Enesca, L. Isac, D. Perniu, M. Visa, “Tandem and Diode-type VIS-active Photocatalysts for Advanced Wastewater Treatment”, Poster presentation, 8th European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications, SPEA 8, 25-28 June 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece
[15] A. Perez del Pino, A. Datcu, E. Gyorgy, “Morphological studies of laser processed titanium oxide – graphene oxide nanocomposite layers”, Poster presentation, E-MRS Spring Meeting 11-15 May 2015, Lille, France
[16] A. Duta, A. Enesca, C. Bogatu, E. Gyorgy, "Solar-active photocatalytic tandems. A compromise in the photocatalytic processes design", Oral presentation, E-MRS Spring Meeting 11-15 May 2015, Lille, France
[17] A. Duta, L. Nicoara, "Vis-active photocatalytic tandem systems – a first step towards water re-use", Invited presentation, The 8th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM 2015, Bucharest, 7-10 July 2015
[18] A. Duta, M. Visa, A. Enesca, "Synergistic design of photocatalytic materials and processes", Invited prezentation, PTIM 2015 (Pollutant Toxic Ions and Molecules), Caparica, Portugal, 2-4 November 2015
[19] A. Duta, “VIS-Active Photocatalytic Materials – A Solution for Water Recycling and Re-use”, Invited prezentation, The International Workshop of the Doctoral Schools, University “Dunarea de Jos” Galati, 04 -05 June 2015
[20] A. Duta, I. Visa, “Renewable energy systems for complementary specific functionalities in rural communities (solar radiation to reduce the water stress)”, Oral presentation, The 6th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering, Ruse, Bulgaria 11-12 November 2015
[21] A. Duta, L. Isac, A. Milea, E. Ienei, D. Perniu, Coloured Solar-Thermal Absorbers – A Comparative Analysis of Cermet Structures, Energy Procedia, Volume 48, 2014, Pages 543-553, ISSN 1876-6102
Book chapters:
[1] A. Duta, D. Perniu, L. Isac, A. Enesca, Solar Energy Materials Obtained by Spray Pyrolisis Deposition, chapter in “Handbook of Functional Nanomaterials. Volume 1 - Synthesis and Modification” (Ed. Mahmood Aliofkhazraei), Nova Science Publishers, Series: Nanotechnology Science and Technology, Pages: 157-176, ISBN: 978-1-62948-364-1
[2] A. Duta, A. Enesca, L. Isac, D. Perniu, L. Andronic, C. Bogatu, Thin Film Vis-Active Photocatalysts For Up-Scaled Wastewater Treatment, chapter in “Sustainable Energy in the Built Environment – Steps Towards nZEB” (Ed. Ion Visa), Springer Proceedings in Energy, 2015, 521-539, ISBN-10: 3319097067; ISBN-13: 978-3319097060
[1] E. Gyorgy, A. Perez del Pino, J. Roqueta, B. Ballesteros, L. Cabana, G. Tobias, “Effect of laser radiation on multi-wall carbon nanotubes: study of shell structure and immobilization process”, Journal of Nanoparticles Research, 15 (2013) 1852 (1-11)
[2] E. Gyorgy, A. Perez del Pino, J. Roqueta, A.S. Miguel, C. Maycock, A G. Oliva, “Processing and immobilization of chondroitin-4-sulphate by UV laser radiation”, Colloids and Surface B: Biointerfaces, 104 (2013) 169–173
[3] M. Motoc, C. Popescu, E. Axente, L. E. Sima, S. M. Petrescu, I. N. Mihailescu, E.Gyorgy, “Active hybrid organic-inorganic bi-layers grown by laser techniques”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A, 101 (2013) 2706-2711
[4] M. Popescu, A. Velea, F. Sava, Adam Lőrinczi, “Chalcogenide systems at the border of the glass formation domain: a key for understanding the memory switching phenomena”, Physica Status Solidi B: Basic Solid State Physics, 251 (2014) 1334–1339
[5] M. Popescu, F. Sava, A. Velea, A. Lőrinczi, I. D. Simandan, „Simulation of the structure of GeAs3Te7 chalcogenide materials during memory switching”, Canadian Journal of Physics, 92 (2014) 675-680
[6] L. Duta, C. Popescu, A. Popescu, M. Motoc, C. Logofatu, A. Duta, E. Gyorgy, “Synthesis and Characterization of Nitrogen Doped and Gold Loaded TiO2 Photocatalysts”, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 117 (2014) 97–101
[7] E. Gyorgy, A. Perez del Pino, C. Logofatu, C. Cazan, A. Duta, “Simultaneous laser-induced reduction and nitrogen doping of graphene oxide in titanium oxide/graphene oxide composites”, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 97 [9] (2014) 2718–2724
[8] E. Gyorgy, A. Perez del Pino, C. Logofatu, A. Duta, L. Isac, “Effect of nitrogen doping on wetting and photoactive properties of laser processed zinc oxide - graphene oxide nanocomposite layers”, Journal of Applied Physics, 116 (2014) 024906
[9] C. Popescu, A. C. Popescu, I. Iordache, M. Motoc, D. Pojoga, A. Simon-Gruita, N. Constantin, G. Duta Cornescu, E. Gyorgy, “Structure and enzymatic activity of laser immobilized ribonuclease A”, Journal of Materials Science, 49 (2014) 4371–4378
[10] A. Datcu, L. Duta, A. Perez del Pino, C. Logofatu, C. Luculescu, A. Duta, D. Perniu, E. Gyorgy, “One-step preparation of nitrogen doped titanium oxide / Au / reduced graphene oxide composite thin films for photocatalytic applications”, RSC Advances, 5 (2015) 49771-49779
[11] A. Perez del Pino, E. Gyorgy, C. Logofatu, J. Puigmart-Luis, W. Gao, “Laser-induced chemical transformation of graphene oxide–iron oxide nanoparticles composites deposited on polymer substrates”, Carbon 93 (2015) 373-383
[12] A. Duta, A. Enesca, C. Bogatu, E. Gyorgy, “Solar-active photocatalytic tandems. A compromise in the photocatalytic processes design”, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 42 (2016) 94–97
[13] E. Gyorgy, A. Perez del Pino, A. Datcu, L. Duta, C. Logofatu, I. Iordache, A. Duta, "Titanium oxide – graphene oxide – silver ternary composite thin films grown by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation", Submitted for publication, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
[14] M. Popescu, F. Sava, A. Lorinczi, A. Velea, I. D. Simandan, A. C. Galca, G. Socol, F. Gherendi, D. Savastru, S. Miclos, „Amorphous thin films in the system Gallium-Chalcogen”, Submitted for publication, Physica Status Solidi (b)
Conference presentations:
[1] E. Gyorgy, A. Perez del Pino, F. Sava, V. Braic, A.M. Vlaicu, C. Logofatu, M. Popescu, A. Duta, “Photoactive nanocomposite materials grown by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation“, Poster presentation, European Materials Research Symposium, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2013, May 27-31 2013, Strasbourg, France
[2] A. Perez del Pino, L. Cabana, B. Ballesteros, G. Tobias, E. Gyorgy, “Deposition of Multi Wall and Functionalized Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes through Matrix Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation”, Poster presentation, European Materials Research Symposium, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2013, May 27-31, 2013, Strasbourg, France
[3] L. Duta, C. Popescu, A. Popescu, C. Logofatu, A. Duta, E. Gyorgy, “Synthesis and Characterization of Anion Doped and Noble Metal Loaded TiO2 Photocatalysts”, Poster presentation, 12th International Conference on laser Ablation, COLA-2013, October 6-11, 2013, Ischia, Italy
[4] A. Duta, D. Perniu, L. Andronic, A. Enesca, „Surfactant assisted SPD for wide bandgap semiconductors with tailored opto-electronic applications”, Poster presentation, International Conference E-MRS Fall Meeting, September 16-20, 2013, Varsaw, Poland
[5] D. Perniu, M. Duta, L.Isac, E.Ienei, A. Duta, „Tailoring the morphology of ZnO thin films obtined by surfactants assisted spray pyrolysis”, Poster presentation, International Conference E-MRS Fall Meeting, September 16-20, 2013 Varsaw, Poland
[6] Anca Duta, „How close to scaling up is photocatalysis for advanced treatment of waters with complex pollutant load?”, Invited presentation, International Conference GCC-2013, 28 Iunie-1 Iulie 2013, Dalian, China (prezentare invitata)
[7] Maria Visa, „Sustainable Treatment of Industrial Wastewaters with Complex Composition using fly ash”, 2nd International Congress on Invited presentation, Advanced Materials (AM2013), 16-19 Mai, Zhenjiang, China
[8] I. Camps, L. Duta, C. Nita, E. Gyorgy, M. Borlaf, R. Serna, C. Logofatu, M. T. Colomer, R. Moreno, “Light emitting TiO2: Eu thin films produced by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation from colloidal sols”, Poster presentation, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2014, Lille, France
[9] L. Duta, C. Nita, I. Camps, R. Serna, M. Borlaf, M. T. Colomer, R. Moreno, A. Perez del Pino, C. Logofatu, E. Gyorgy, “Er and Eu doped TiO2 thin films grown by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation from colloidal solutions: structure and optical properties”, Poster presentation, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2014, Lille, France
[10] A. Datcu, A. Perez del Pino, C. Logofatu, A. Duta, E. Gyorgy, “Effect of nitrogen doping on wetting and photoactive properties of laser processed zinc oxide - graphene oxide nanocomposite layers”, Poster with flash presentation, awarded with the 1st Place Poster Presentation Prize, Nanoscience Advances in CBRN Agents Detection, Information and Energy Security; organizat de NATO Advanced Study Institute in cadrul programului Science for Peace and Security (SPS) al North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 29.05-06.06.2014
[11] A.Duta, A. Enesca, L. Isac, D. Perniu, „Solar active photocatalytic thin films of tandem type. Design and performance”, Poster presentation, E-MRS Fall Meeting, Sept. 15-18, 2014, Varsovia
[12] A. Duta, A. Enesca, L. Isac, “Up-scaling Photocatalysis: Prerequisites and Barriers, Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences”, Keynote lecture, IC-ANMBES, 13-15 June 2014, Brasov
[13] A. Duta, A. Enesca, L. Isac, D. Perniu, “Tuning the Optical Properties in Photocatalytic Composites Involving Wide Band Gap Semiconductors”, Keynote lecture, 6th International Workshop, "Advanced optical and X-ray characterization techniques of multifunctional materials for information and communication technologies, health and renewable energy applications, 10-12 septembrie 2014, Bucuresti, Academia Romana – Inst. Ilie Murgulescu
[14] A.Duta, A. Enesca, L. Isac, D. Perniu, M. Visa, “Tandem and Diode-type VIS-active Photocatalysts for Advanced Wastewater Treatment”, Poster presentation, 8th European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications, SPEA 8, 25-28 June 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece
[15] A. Perez del Pino, A. Datcu, E. Gyorgy, “Morphological studies of laser processed titanium oxide – graphene oxide nanocomposite layers”, Poster presentation, E-MRS Spring Meeting 11-15 May 2015, Lille, France
[16] A. Duta, A. Enesca, C. Bogatu, E. Gyorgy, "Solar-active photocatalytic tandems. A compromise in the photocatalytic processes design", Oral presentation, E-MRS Spring Meeting 11-15 May 2015, Lille, France
[17] A. Duta, L. Nicoara, "Vis-active photocatalytic tandem systems – a first step towards water re-use", Invited presentation, The 8th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM 2015, Bucharest, 7-10 July 2015
[18] A. Duta, M. Visa, A. Enesca, "Synergistic design of photocatalytic materials and processes", Invited prezentation, PTIM 2015 (Pollutant Toxic Ions and Molecules), Caparica, Portugal, 2-4 November 2015
[19] A. Duta, “VIS-Active Photocatalytic Materials – A Solution for Water Recycling and Re-use”, Invited prezentation, The International Workshop of the Doctoral Schools, University “Dunarea de Jos” Galati, 04 -05 June 2015
[20] A. Duta, I. Visa, “Renewable energy systems for complementary specific functionalities in rural communities (solar radiation to reduce the water stress)”, Oral presentation, The 6th International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering, Ruse, Bulgaria 11-12 November 2015
[21] A. Duta, L. Isac, A. Milea, E. Ienei, D. Perniu, Coloured Solar-Thermal Absorbers – A Comparative Analysis of Cermet Structures, Energy Procedia, Volume 48, 2014, Pages 543-553, ISSN 1876-6102
Book chapters:
[1] A. Duta, D. Perniu, L. Isac, A. Enesca, Solar Energy Materials Obtained by Spray Pyrolisis Deposition, chapter in “Handbook of Functional Nanomaterials. Volume 1 - Synthesis and Modification” (Ed. Mahmood Aliofkhazraei), Nova Science Publishers, Series: Nanotechnology Science and Technology, Pages: 157-176, ISBN: 978-1-62948-364-1
[2] A. Duta, A. Enesca, L. Isac, D. Perniu, L. Andronic, C. Bogatu, Thin Film Vis-Active Photocatalysts For Up-Scaled Wastewater Treatment, chapter in “Sustainable Energy in the Built Environment – Steps Towards nZEB” (Ed. Ion Visa), Springer Proceedings in Energy, 2015, 521-539, ISBN-10: 3319097067; ISBN-13: 978-3319097060