CETAL | PED Projects (PN-III-P2-2.1-PED) | PED197


PED197 Project

English (Engleză)
Project title: Functional electromagnetic active scaffolds for bone regeneration/ EMABON
Periode: 2017 - 2018

Contact Person:
Project Director: Dr. Catalin Luculescu

National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics - I.N.F.L.P.R.
Atomiștilor 409, Măgurele, Romania

We have recently obtained in vitro results related to 3D biomimetic, electromagnetic active scaffolds for bone regeneration and we want to validate them in vivo, in terms of osseointegration and osteogenic potential. Our motivation relies on the fact that, although our preliminary in vitro tests were encouraging, a realistic estimation of scaffolds ability to promote the bone growth requires a translational in vivo testing model. In this context, EMABON project will develop functional 3D biomimetic, electromagnetic active scaffolds with strong osseointegration and osteogenic potential. The scaffolds will be validated in vivo, by implantation at the site of femoral defects artificially created in skeletally mature rats. The osteogenesis will be promoted via the synergic action of scaffolds biomimetic architecture and remotely applied electromagentic stimuli. Through the proposed methodology and expected results, EMABON reponds to a major issue of public health related to poor bone quality and bone-loss associated conditions such as osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus or chronic kidney disease. The proposed model will also find usefulness for orthopedic surgery goals, such as fracture repair, arthroplasty or plate and screw fixation.

The goal of EMABON project is to validate in vivo an existing experimental demonstrative model that we recently tested in vitro. The experimental demonstrator is represented by 3D biomimetic, electromagnetic active scaffolds for bone regeneration. The end result will consist in scaffolds with better osseointegration and superior osteogenic potential than the existing bone grafts. The project will:
a) Use the knowhow of the team members for developing functional 3D biomimetic, electromagnetic active scaffolds with superior capabilities than the existing bone grafts;
b) Validate our 3D biomimetic, electromagnetic active scaffolds in vivo, in terms of osseintegration and osteogenic potential.
O1. To develop an in vivo model for assessment of functional 3D biomimetic, electromagnetic active scaffolds for bone regeneration.
O2. To validate the scaffolds in vivo, on animal models.
O3. To surpass the performances of existing scaffolds for bone regeneration.

Phases and activities:
Etapa I a proiectului are ca obiectiv proiectarea procedurilor experimentale in vivo.
Activitatea 1.1. Proiectarea modelului animal
Activitatea 1.2. Proiectarea arhitecturii scafoldurilor active din punct de vedere electromagnetic
Activitatea 1.3. Proiectarea configuratiei electromagnetice
Activitatea 1.4. Fabricarea scafoldurilor active din punct de vedere electromagnetic
Activitatea 1.5. Diseminare-Raport de faza
Etapa a II-a a proiectului are ca obiectiv proiectarea, fabricarea și testarea scaffold-urilor superparamagnetice cu arhitecturi reproductibile pentru stimularea in camp magnetic static (Static Magnetic Field, SMF) a osteogenezei.
Activitatea 2.1. Validarea in vivo a scaffold-urilor active din punct de vedere electromagnetic
Activitatea 2.2. Compararea performantelor scaffold-urilor in vitro si in vivo
Activitatea 2.3. Evaluarea in vivo a performantelor scaffold-urilor

Research Team:
• Dr. Luculescu Catalin
• Dr. Paun Irina
• Dr. Sporea Dan
• Dr. Popescu Andrei
• Drd. Calin Bogdan
• Dr. Porosnicu Corneliu
• Dr. Stochioiu Andrei
• Dr. Acasandrei Adriana
• Dr. Mustaciousu Cosmin
• Dr. Popescu Roxana Cristina
• Dr. Temelie Mihaela
• Dr. Savu Iulia
• Dr. Polifron Victoria

Română (Romanian)
Titlul proiectului: Scafolduri funcţionale active din punct de vedere electromagnetic pentru regenerare osoasă/ EMABON
Perioada: 2017 - 2018

Persoana de contact:
Director Proiect: Dr. Catalin Luculescu

Institutul Național pentru Fizica Laserilor, Plasmei și Radiației - I.N.F.L.P.R.
Atomiștilor 409, Măgurele, ROMÂNIA

We have recently obtained in vitro results related to 3D biomimetic, electromagnetic active scaffolds for bone regeneration and we want to validate them in vivo, in terms of osseointegration and osteogenic potential. Our motivation relies on the fact that, although our preliminary in vitro tests were encouraging, a realistic estimation of scaffolds ability to promote the bone growth requires a translational in vivo testing model. In this context, EMABON project will develop functional 3D biomimetic, electromagnetic active scaffolds with strong osseointegration and osteogenic potential. The scaffolds will be validated in vivo, by implantation at the site of femoral defects artificially created in skeletally mature rats. The osteogenesis will be promoted via the synergic action of scaffolds biomimetic architecture and remotely applied electromagentic stimuli. Through the proposed methodology and expected results, EMABON reponds to a major issue of public health related to poor bone quality and bone-loss associated conditions such as osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus or chronic kidney disease. The proposed model will also find usefulness for orthopedic surgery goals, such as fracture repair, arthroplasty or plate and screw fixation.

The goal of EMABON project is to validate in vivo an existing experimental demonstrative model that we recently tested in vitro. The experimental demonstrator is represented by 3D biomimetic, electromagnetic active scaffolds for bone regeneration. The end result will consist in scaffolds with better osseointegration and superior osteogenic potential than the existing bone grafts. The project will:
a) Use the knowhow of the team members for developing functional 3D biomimetic, electromagnetic active scaffolds with superior capabilities than the existing bone grafts;
b) Validate our 3D biomimetic, electromagnetic active scaffolds in vivo, in terms of osseintegration and osteogenic potential.
O1. To develop an in vivo model for assessment of functional 3D biomimetic, electromagnetic active scaffolds for bone regeneration.
O2. To validate the scaffolds in vivo, on animal models.
O3. To surpass the performances of existing scaffolds for bone regeneration.

Etape și activități prevăzute:
Etapa I a proiectului are ca obiectiv proiectarea procedurilor experimentale in vivo.
Activitatea 1.1. Proiectarea modelului animal
Activitatea 1.2. Proiectarea arhitecturii scafoldurilor active din punct de vedere electromagnetic
Activitatea 1.3. Proiectarea configuratiei electromagnetice
Activitatea 1.4. Fabricarea scafoldurilor active din punct de vedere electromagnetic
Activitatea 1.5. Diseminare-Raport de faza
Etapa a II-a a proiectului are ca obiectiv proiectarea, fabricarea și testarea scaffold-urilor superparamagnetice cu arhitecturi reproductibile pentru stimularea in camp magnetic static (Static Magnetic Field, SMF) a osteogenezei.
Activitatea 2.1. Validarea in vivo a scaffold-urilor active din punct de vedere electromagnetic
Activitatea 2.2. Compararea performantelor scaffold-urilor in vitro si in vivo
Activitatea 2.3. Evaluarea in vivo a performantelor scaffold-urilor

Echipa de cercetare:
• Dr. Luculescu Catalin
• Dr. Paun Irina
• Dr. Sporea Dan
• Dr. Popescu Andrei
• Drd. Calin Bogdan
• Dr. Porosnicu Corneliu
• Dr. Stochioiu Andrei
• Dr. Acasandrei Adriana
• Dr. Mustaciousu Cosmin
• Dr. Popescu Roxana
• Dr. Temelie Mihaela
• Dr. Savu Iulia
• Dr. Polifron Victoria


[1] Paun IA, RC Popescu, CC Mustaciosu, M Zamfirescu, BS Calin, M Mihailescu, M Dinescu, A Popescu, D Chioibasu, M Soproniy and CR Luculescu, Laser-direct writing by two-photon polymerization of 3D honeycomblike structures for bone regeneration, Biofabrication 10 (2018) 025009 [2] Paun IA, RC Popescu, BS Calin, CC Mustaciosu, M Dinescu and CR Luculescu, 3D Biomimetic Magnetic Structures for Static Magnetic Field Stimulation of Osteogenesis, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 495; doi:10.3390/ijms19020495

Conference presentations:
[1] A. Stochioiu, I.A. Paun, C. Porosnicu, C.R. Luculescu, Optimization of Laser-Processed Large Area Plasmonic Substrates for Trace Analysis, prezentare orala la ATOM-N 2018 Conference, 23.08.2018 - 26.08.2018, Universitatea Maritima din Constanta, Romania
[2] I.A. Paun, B.S. Calin, R.C. Popescu, C.C. Mustaciosu, M. Mihailescu, L. Mares, A. Stoichioiu, C.R. Luculescu, Nanocomposite magnetic structures for static magnetic field stimulation of osteogenesis, Poster prezentat la ATOM-N 2018 Conference, 23.08.2018 - 26.08.2018, Universitatea Maritima din Constanta, Romania