CETAL | PED Projects (PN-III-P2-2.1-PED) | PED24


PED24/2017 Project

English (Engleză)
Project title: Photonics devices under extreme operating conditions, PHOENIX
Periode: January 2017 - June 2018

Contact Person:
Project Director: Dr. Dan Sporea

National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics - I.N.F.L.P.R.
Atomiștilor 409, Măgurele, Romania

The goal of the PHOENIX project is to develop and test several demonstration models (laboratory measuring setups), and to prepare appropriate procedures in order to provide services for the evaluation of ionizing radiations effects on: (i) organic solar cells (organic photovoltaics - OPV) and (ii) silicon photomultipliers (SiPM), to assess their reliability for possible use in space missions. The developed setups will be used for OPVs and SiPMs off-line testing, these devices being exposed in different sessions to: (i) gamma-ray, (ii) electron beam, (iii) alpha particles, and (iv) protons. Optical, electrical and optoelectronic characteristics will be measured by pre and post irradiation tests, for various irradiation conditions. The project Coordinator will cooperate with partners from The Netherlands and Germany , who are manufactures of such components. In this way the project will contribute, through its results, to Romania's participation to COST Actions: (i) MP1307, Stable Next-Generation Photovoltaics: Unraveling degradation mechanisms of Organic Solar Cells by complementary characterization techniques - StableNextSol and (ii) TD1401, Fast Advanced Scintillator Timing - FAST which gathers communities interested into the subject. Innovative optical and THz spectroscopy methods will be used for the evaluation of radiation induced changes in the investigated devices.

Phases and activities:
Project Phase I implementation (2017)
During the Phase I the following activities were carried out:
• Equipments for the characterization of solar cells and SiPMs were purchased;
• Several laboratory setups have been developed for the complex characterization of the aforementioned components;
• The characterization (electrical, optical and THz measurements) of the investigated components, before the irradiation sessions and after each intermediate irradiation step, was performed;
• Organic solar cells and SiPMs were irradiated, for different fluences or total doses;
• Materials composing organic solar cells have been characterized and irradiated separately;
• Laboratory setups were developed for the evaluation of components to be investigated.
Project Phase II implementation (2018)
During the Phase II the following activities were carried out:
• Additional irradiation tests were carried out on SiPMs;
• The international cooperation was extended by running tests on solar cells in collaboration with groups from China, Hong Kong, Switzerland;
• The final meeting of the COST Action TD1401 was organized in Bucharest, dr. Sporea acting as co-chair of the event and dr. Stancalie being co-chair to a meeting section;
• A procedure for the evaluation of ionizing radiation effects on SiPMs was developed;
• A procedure for the evaluation of ionizing radiation effects on organic solar cells was developed;
• Tests on organic solar cells, SiPMs and specific materials under ionizing radiation were carried out
• Our paper "Proton irradiation induced changes in glass and polyethylene terephthalate substrates for photovoltaic solar cells" is referred to on the THz equipment manufacture's web page at: http://terahertzspectroscopyandimaging.blogspot.com/ .
Research Team:
• Dr. Dan Sporea
• Dr. Adelina Sporea
• Dr. Laura Mihai
• Dr. Andrei Stancalie

Română (Romanian)
Titlul proiectului: Dispozitive fotonice in conditii extreme de operare, PHOENIX
Perioada: Ianuarie 2017 – Iunie 2018

Persoana de contact:
Director Proiect: Dr. Dan Sporea

Institutul Național pentru Fizica Laserilor, Plasmei și Radiației - I.N.F.L.P.R.
Atomiștilor 409, Măgurele, ROMÂNIA

Scopul proiectului PHOENIX este de a dezvolta si testa mai multe modele demonstrative (montaje experimentale de laborator) si de a elabora proceduri adecvate pentru a furniza servicii in vederea evaluarii efectelor radiatiilor ionizante asupra: (i) celulelor solare organice (organic photovoltaics - OPV ) si a (ii) fotomultiplicatoarelor de siliciu (SiPM), pentru a evalua fiabilitatea lor in scopul utilizarii în misiuni spatiale. Montajele de laborator dezvoltate vor fi folosite pentru testarile off-line ale OPV si SiPM, aceste dispozitive fiind expuse în sesiuni separate la: (i) radiatia gamma, (ii) fascicul de electroni, (iii) particule alfa si (iv) protoni. Caracteristicile optice, electrice si optoelectronice vor fi masurate prin teste pre si post iradiere, pentru diferite conditii de iradiere. Coordonatorul proiectului va coopera cu parteneri din Olanda si Germania, care sunt producatori de astfel de componente. În acest fel, proiectul va contribui, prin rezultatele sale, la participarea României la actiunile COST: (i) MP1307, Stable Next-Generation Photovoltaics: Unraveling degradation mechanisms of Organic Solar Cells by complementary characterization techniques - StableNextSol si (ii) TD1401, Fast Advanced Scintillator Timing - FAST care reunesc comunitatile stiintifice interesate de subiectul prezentului proiect. Metodele inovative de spectroscopie optica si THz vor fi utilizate pentru evaluarea modificarilor induse de radiatii în dispozitivele investigate.

Etape și activități prevăzute:
Etapa I de implementare si rezultate (2017)
În prima etapa au fost desfasurate urmatoarele activitati:
• Au fost achizitionate echipamente pentru caracterizarea celulelor solare si a SIPM;
• Au fost elaborate montaje de laborator pentru caracterizarea complexa a componentelor mentionate anterior;
• S-a efectuat caracterizarea (masuratori electrice, optice si THz) a componentelor investigate, înainte de sesiunile de iradiere si dupa fiecare etapa de iradiere intermediara;
• Celulele solare organice si SiPM-urile au fost iradiate, pentru diferite fluente sau doze totale;
• Materialele care compun celule solare organice au fost caracterizate si iradiate separat.
Etapa II de implementare si rezultate (2018)
În cea de a doua etapa au fost desfasurate urmatoarele activitati:
• Au fost efectuate teste suplimentare referitoare la iradierea SiPMs;
• Cooperarea internationala a fost extinsa prin testarea unor celule solare in colaborare cu grupuri din China, Hong Kong, Elvetia;
• La Bucuresti a fost organizata intalnirea anuala a proiectului COST Action TD1401, dr. Sporea fiind co-chair al evenimetului si dr. Stancalie co-chair la una din sectiuni.
• A fost elaborata o procedura pentru evaluarea efectelor radiatiilor ionizante asupra SiPMs.
• A fost elaborata o procedura pentru evaluarea efectelor radiatiilor ionizante asupra celulelor solare organice.
• Au fost continuate testele realizate asupra celulelor solare organice, a SiPMs si a materialelor specifice, supuse radiatiilor ionizante.
• Lucrarea noastra "Proton irradiation induced changes in glass and polyethylene terephthalate substrates for photovoltaic solar cells" este mentionata pe pagina de Internet a producatorului de echipamente de THzt: http://terahertzspectroscopyandimaging.blogspot.com/

Echipa de cercetare:
• Dr. Dan Sporea
• Dr. Adelina Sporea
• Dr. Laura Mihai
• Dr. Andrei Stancalie

[1] Poudel, I. Dimitrieva, R. Gumenyuk, L. Mihai, D. Sporea, O. Muresan, I. Rusen, T. Hakkarainen, N. G. Boetti, T. Niemi, L. Petit, Effect of ZnO addition and of alpha particle irradiation on various properties of Er 3+ , Yb 3+ doped phosphate glasses, Appl. Sci., vol. 7, 1094 (2017), doi:10.3390/app7101094.
[2] J. Cermak, L. Mihai, D. Sporea, Y. Galagan, J. Fait, A. Artemenko, B. Rezek, M. Straticiuc, I. Burducea, Proton irradiation induced changes in glass and polyethylene terephthalate substrates for photovoltaic solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 186, 284–290 (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solmat.2018.06.046.

Conference presentations:
[1] D. Sporea, E. Engelmann, T. Ganka, F. Wiest, Testing facilities to support FAST COST Action, FAST meeting, January 23-24, 2017, Lisbon, Potugal.
[2] E. Engelmann, F. Wiest, P. Iskra, W. Hansch, D. Sporea, A. Stancalie, D. Negut, Tests of KETEK PM1150T SiPM under low-dose 60Co gamma-irradiation, 4 th FAST management meeting, March 24, 2017, Larnaca, Cyprus.
[3] L. Mihai, D. Sporea, I. Vata, M. Straticiuc, I. Burducea, J. Cermák, B. Rezek, Y. Galagan, Proton and alpha particles effects on different glass and polymers substrates, Industrial Day - Printed Electronics and Solar Cells, April 7, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
[4] L. Mihai, D. Sporea, J. Farinhas, A. Charas, Study of organic cells layers based on cross-linked poly(fluorene-alt-bithiophene) using THz imaging, Industrial Day - Printed Electronics and Solar Cells, April 7, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
[5] E. Engelmann, F. Wiest, D. Sporea, A. Stancalie, D. Negut, S. Vinogradov, E. Popova, W. Hansch, E. Garutti, Investigation of radiation hardness of SiPM using the effect of hot carrier luminescence, New Developments in Photodetection, 3-7 June, 2017, Tours, France.
[6] A. Stancalie, D. Sporea, D. Negut, E. Engelmann, F. Wiest, P. Iskra, W.Hansch, Investigation on gamma radiation defects induced in KETEK silicon photomultipliers produced by different technologies, Conferinta Facultatii de Fizica, June 19, 2017 , Bucharest, Romania.
[7] L. Petit, N. Ojha, L. Mihai, D. Sporea, O. Muresan, I. Rusen, Irradiation with alpha particles of Yb 3+ and Er 3+ co-doped phosphate glasses, COST Action MP1401 Technical and MC Meeting, Jena, 18-20 September, 2017, Germany.
[8] A. Stancalie, D. Sporea, D. Ighigeanu, E. Engelmann, F. Wiest, P. Iskra, W. Hansh, Electron beam radiation defects induced in KETEK PM3350 silicon photomultipliers, 14th Int. Conference on Scintillating Materials and their Applications - SCINT 2017, 18-22 September 2017, Chamonix, France.
[9] D. Sporea, L. Mihai, A. Stancalie, A. Sporea, Optical materials, components and devices testing under ionizing radiation, TD1401, Fast Advanced Scintillator Timing - FAST meeting, 17 October 2017, Torun, Poland.
[10] D. Sporea, L. Mihai, D. Ighigeanu, O. Muresan, I. Rusen, D. Negut, M. Straticiuc, I. Burducea, Y. Galagan, Degradation of organic solar cells under ionizing radiation exposure, ISOS-10, 18-20 October 2017, Malta.
[11] L. Mihai, D. Sporea, D. Negut, L. Nita, L. Yan, Y. Wang, C-Q. Ma, Piperazine doping effect in P3HT:PC 61 BM solar cells against gamma irradiation, Stability of Emerging Photovoltaics from Fundamental to Applications, February 20-23, 2018, Barcelona, Spain.
[12] L. Mihai, A. Sporea, D. Sporea, Laboratory infrastructure for calibration of equipments used in solar cells evaluation, Stability of Emerging Photovoltaics from Fundamental to Applications, February 20-23, 2018, Barcelona, Spain.
[13] J. Cermak, L. Mihai, D. Sporea, Y. Galagan, M. Straticiuc, I. Burducea, Proton irradiation hardness of glass and polymer substrates for solar cells, Stability of Emerging Photovoltaics from Fundamental to Applications, February 20-23, 2018, Barcelona, Spain.
[14] A. Stancalie, Radiation effects on KETEK SiPM produced by different technologies, COST Action TD1401 meeting, March 8-9, 2018, Bucharest, Romania.
[15] L. Mihai, The effects of ionizing radiation on different types of materials and optoelectronic devices, COST Action TD1401 meeting, March 8-9, 2018, Bucharest, Romania.
[16] I. Burducea, L. Mihai, A. Stancalie, D. Sporea, R. Andrei, D. Iancu, M. Straticiuc, Radiation hardness tests of optoelectronic devices at IFIN-HH, COST Action TD1401 meeting, March 8-9, 2018, Bucharest, Romania.
[17] R. Sen, O. Muresan, N. G. Boetti, D. Sporea, L. Mihai, I. Rusen, L. Petit, Alpha particle irradiation on various properties of Er3+, Yb3+ doped phosphate glasses, Photonics Europe 2018, paper 10683-120, 22 - 26 April 2018, Strasbourg, France.
[18] D. Sporea, L. Mihai, A. Stancalie, A. Sporea, Photonic materials and devices in ionizing radiation environments, 2018 International Workshop on Photonic Fibres and Applications, May 5-7, 2018, Shanghai, China.
[19] D. Sporea, L. Mihai, A. Stancălie, A. Sporea, Ionizing radiation effects in optical materials, COST Action TD1401-FAST WG2 Meeting, 14 June, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic.
[20] L. Mihai, D. Sporea, M. Straticiuc, I. Burducea, L. Petit, R. Sen, "Effects of protons particles on Yb3+, Er3+ co-doped phosphate glasses", COST Action MP1401 - "Advanced fibre laser and coherent source as tools for society, manufacturing and lifescience" Annual Conference 24-26 octombrie, 2018, Varsovia, Polonia.