The atomic absorption spectrometry is used for the highly sensitive quantitative determination of ferrous and non-ferrous materials in different aqueous solutions with a ppm precision.
The operating principle consists in the transformation in atomic vapors of the chemical elements whose presence is to be determined and analyzed, by introducing them in a flame. The atomic absorption spectrometer emits the characteristic radiated light of the analyte using hollow cathode lamps. The analyte absorbs the characteristic radiated light after atomized. The emitted radiation is separated according to the wavelength and recorded by using a special software. The content of the samples can be calculated by mensurating absorbed energy of the light. The quantitative analysis could be realized by using a calibration curve obtained from different solution with a known concentration.
Measuring method. Flame absorption (air - acetylene and acetylene - nitrous oxide).
Available lamps : Ag, Au, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Pt, Sn, Ti, Zn.