LIBS is a versatile optical emission spectroscopy technique used for fast qualitative and quantitative (based on calibration curves) materials analyses. All kind of materials (solids, liquids, and gases) could be analyzed with minimal damage. LIBS uses a short-pulse laser to create a micro-plasma on the sample surface while the emission spectrum is recorded by a spectrograph. Among several advantages compared to other analytical tools, one can notice: multi-elemental analysis (including lighter ones) is possible without any preliminary sample preparation; can provide an easy, fast, and in situ elemental analysis with reasonable precision, detection limits, and cost, and moreover is compact and therefore field portable. Technical details about our LIBS-6 system (Applied Photoncs, UK) are available on Equipment page.

- Relevant publications:
- Kuzmanovic M., Stancalie A., Milovanovic D., Staicu A., Damjanovic-Vasilic Lj., Rankovic D., Savovic J., “Analysis of lead-based archaeological pottery glazes by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy”, Optics & Laser Technology (2021), 13 106599.
- Stancalie A., Ciobanu S., Sporea D., "Investigation of the effect of laser parameters on the target, plume and plasma behavior during and after laser-solid interaction", APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE (2017), 417 124-129. - Savovic J., Momcilovic M., Zivkovic S., Stancalie A., Trtica M., Kuzmanovic M., "LIBS Analysis of Geomaterials: Comparative Study of Basalt Plasma Induced by TEA CO2 and Nd:YAG Laser in Air at Atmospheric Pressure", JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY (2017), 9513438.
- In collaboration with:
- Department of Physical Chemistry, VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences - National Institute of the Republic of Serbia.
- Faculté de Physique, Université des sciences et de la technologie d’Oran Mohamed Boudiaf, Algeria.
- Muzeul Judetean de Istorie Brasov, Romania.