CETAL | STAR Projects (PN-III-P2-2.1-PED) | STAR97



English (Engleză)
Project title: Laser-Plasma Acceleration of Particles for Radiation Hardness Testing / LEOPARD
Periode: 2013 – 2016

Contact Person:
Project Director: Dr. M. Ganciu

National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics - I.N.F.L.P.R.
Atomiștilor 409, Măgurele, Romania

Space radiation environment can lead to extremely harsh operating conditions for on-board electronic box and systems. The characteristics of the radiation environment are highly dependent on the type of mission (date, duration and orbit). A rigorous methodology is needed to ensure that the radiation environment does not compromise the functionality and performance of the electronics during the system life. This methodology is called hardness assurance (RHA). It consists of those activities undertaken to ensure that the electronic piece parts placed in the space system perform to their design specifications after exposure to the space environment.

The Centre of Competences will enable proficiency in radiation hardness testing and its applications – based on both laser-plasma acceleration and conventional setups. Moreover, LEOPARD will make possible the development of adapted new calibration and detection systems. The project will strongly benefit from available competences, as expressed in particular by the recent patent application submitted by the core team, Method of testing components and complex systems in the pulsed and synchronized fluxes of laser accelerated particles, RO Patent Application No. A/00643 / 28.08.2013. LEOPARD will address radiation hardness testing for both hardware components and software. Hardware testing is related to the behaviour of components and systems subject to intense radiation fluxes, and implies fundamental research in interaction of radiation with matter, plasma physics, or nuclear physics, as well as applied research – for example to optimize and calibrate the particle fluxes at the target. Software testing on the other hand refers to the programs that control the hardware at various levels, whose built-in redundancy can compensate the hardware faults. The high-power laser equipment in Magurele will thus become relevant for space applications and make a significant contribution towards enhancing the reliability of critical space infrastructure.

Phases and activities:
WP1 - In depth layout of the project strategy, of work and collaboration strategy between the groups which establish the Centre of Competence
WP2 - Training of young researchers with respect to specific project objectives and increasing the work groups skills in using high power lasers for experiments on particle acceleration in plasma, for different types of targets
WP3 - Preliminary tests performed within the frame of the Centre of Competence, aimed towards laser induced acceleration in plasmas which are fitted to study the response of simple and complex systems which undergo interaction with intense radiation flux
WP4 - Study on implementing an innovative multiple irradiation system using pulsed and synchronized laser accelerated particles, based on the existing facilities at Magurele
Research Team:
• Dr. Mihai Ganciu
• Dr. Agavni Surmeian
• Dr. Constantin Diplasu
• Dr. Andreea Groza
• Dr. Bogdan Mihalcea
• Dr. Ovidiu Stoican
• Dr. Cristian Lungu
• Dr. Catalin Ticos
• Dr. Traian Dascalu
• Dr. Dan Sporea
• Dr. Catalin Luculescu
• Dr. Octav Marghitu

Română (Romanian)
Titlul proiectului: Laser-Plasma Acceleration of Particles for Radiation Hardness Testing / LEOPARD
Perioada: 2013 – 2016

Persoana de contact:
Director Proiect: Dr. M. Ganciu

Institutul Național pentru Fizica Laserilor, Plasmei și Radiației - I.N.F.L.P.R.
Atomiștilor 409, Măgurele, ROMÂNIA

Space radiation environment can lead to extremely harsh operating conditions for on-board electronic box and systems. The characteristics of the radiation environment are highly dependent on the type of mission (date, duration and orbit). A rigorous methodology is needed to ensure that the radiation environment does not compromise the functionality and performance of the electronics during the system life. This methodology is called hardness assurance (RHA). It consists of those activities undertaken to ensure that the electronic piece parts placed in the space system perform to their design specifications after exposure to the space environment.

The Centre of Competences will enable proficiency in radiation hardness testing and its applications – based on both laser-plasma acceleration and conventional setups. Moreover, LEOPARD will make possible the development of adapted new calibration and detection systems. The project will strongly benefit from available competences, as expressed in particular by the recent patent application submitted by the core team, Method of testing components and complex systems in the pulsed and synchronized fluxes of laser accelerated particles, RO Patent Application No. A/00643 / 28.08.2013. LEOPARD will address radiation hardness testing for both hardware components and software. Hardware testing is related to the behaviour of components and systems subject to intense radiation fluxes, and implies fundamental research in interaction of radiation with matter, plasma physics, or nuclear physics, as well as applied research – for example to optimize and calibrate the particle fluxes at the target. Software testing on the other hand refers to the programs that control the hardware at various levels, whose built-in redundancy can compensate the hardware faults. The high-power laser equipment in Magurele will thus become relevant for space applications and make a significant contribution towards enhancing the reliability of critical space infrastructure.

Etape și activități prevăzute:
WP1 - In depth layout of the project strategy, of work and collaboration strategy between the groups which establish the Centre of Competence
WP2 - Training of young researchers with respect to specific project objectives and increasing the work groups skills in using high power lasers for experiments on particle acceleration in plasma, for different types of targets
WP3 - Preliminary tests performed within the frame of the Centre of Competence, aimed towards laser induced acceleration in plasmas which are fitted to study the response of simple and complex systems which undergo interaction with intense radiation flux
WP4 - Study on implementing an innovative multiple irradiation system using pulsed and synchronized laser accelerated particles, based on the existing facilities at Magurele
Echipa de cercetare:
• Dr. Mihai Ganciu
• Dr. Agavni Surmeian
• Dr. Constantin Diplasu
• Dr. Andreea Groza
• Dr. Bogdan Mihalcea
• Dr. Ovidiu Stoican
• Dr. Cristian Lungu
• Dr. Catalin Ticos
• Dr. Traian Dascalu
• Dr. Dan Sporea
• Dr. Catalin Luculescu
• Dr. Octav Marghitu


[1] M. Ganciu, B. Mihalcea, C. Diplașu, A. Groza, C. Luculescu, O. Stoican, A. Surmeian, B. Cramariuc, R. Vasilache and O. Marghitu, Prospects of Space Radiation Environment Simulation by Using High Power Laser Infrastructures, Invited Paper, INDLAS 2014 Conference, May 19-23, Bran, Romania

Conference presentations:
[1] M. Ganciu, B. Mihalcea, C. Diplașu, C. Ticoș, R. Vasilache et al, Laser-Plasma Acceleration of Particles for Radiation Hardeness Testing , Romanian Space Week, 12-16 May 2014, Natl. Inst. for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” INCAS, Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) Programme for Research-Development-Innovation for Space Technology and Space Research - STAR.
[2] M. Ganciu, B. Mihalcea, C. Diplașu, C. Ticoș, R. Vasilache et al, Aplicații în industria spațială a laserilor de foarte mare putere , European Space Expo (19-27.04.2014), 26-th April 2014, Craiova, Romania.
[3] M. Ganciu, B. Mihalcea, C. Ticos, C. Diplasu, A. Groza, C. Luculescu, O. Stoican, A. Surmeian, R. Dabu, O. Marghitu, R. Vasilache, Testing of Radiation Hardened Satellite Equipment by Using High-Power Laser Infrastructures, First CETAL- Petawatt Workshop 19-20 November Măgurele, Romania.
[4] M. Ganciu, B. Mihalcea, C. Diplașu, A. Groza, O. Stoican, A. Surmeian, O. Marghitu, M. Ciobanu, A. Julea, Marius Ioan Piso, Laser Accelerated Particles in Filamentary Plasmas for Testing of Radiation Hardened Satellite Equipment by Using High-Power Laser Infrastructures, 2nd IAA Conference on Space Systems as Critical Infrastructure, August 29-30, 2013, Mamaia, Romania.

[1] M. Ganciu, M-I. Piso, O. Stoican, O. Marghitu, R. Dabu, A. Julea, A. Surmeian, B.Mihalcea, A. Groza, C. Diplaşu, I. Morjan, Method of testing components and complex systems in the pulsed and synchronized fluxes of laser accelerated particles, RO Patent Application No. A/00643, RO130134-A2; 28.08.2013.
[2] M. Ganciu-Petcu, M. Piso, O. Stoican, B. Mihalcea, C. Diplaşu, O. Marghitu, A. Julea, A. Surmeian, A. Groza, R. Dabu, I. Morjan, System and method for testing components, circuits and complex systems using syncronized and pulsed laser fluxes consisting of laser accelerated particles, International Patent Application WO2015030619-A1; RO130134-A2; 26.08.2014.