CETAL | WORKSHOP | Abstracts

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Echipa CETAL.
17 December 2020
10:00 - 10:10
Title: Deschidere Workshop CETAL
Author: Andrei Popescu
10:10 - 10:40
Title: Procesarea materialelor utilizand plasme generate la presiune joasa si atmosferica
Author: Bogdana Mitu
10:40 - 10:55
Title: Tehnologie de acoperire a discurilor de frana prin placare laser
Author: Diana CHIOIBASU
10:55 - 11:10
Title: Sudarea laser a unor materiale compozite cu matrice metalica de aluminiu-magneziu
Author: Sabin Mihai
11:10 - 11:25
Author: Mihail Lungu
11:25 - 11:40
Title: Effect of fractal parameters on optical properties of cold rolled aluminum alloy strips with induced surface deflection: Analytical simulations and experimental correlations
Author: Muhammad Arif Mahmood
Abstract: Cold rollings for Al5182 aluminum alloy strips are carried out to evaluate the optical parameters with the applications of two lubricants and various operating conditions. In order to obtain these optical parameters, the fractal parameters, which include periodic lengths (Lx, Ly) and fractal dimensions (Dx, Dy) in the modified three-dimensional formula for the fractal surface morphology have been solved first for the rolled surfaces. This three-dimensional formula can provide an effective way to correlate these fractal parameters with the optical parameters using TracePro software, which can help to define rolling conditions efficiently for the specific demand of optical properties. The deterministic results for fractal surface simulations using MATLAB in series and 20° incident angle simulation in TracePro software explain that an increase in Dx and Dy will yield dense profiles which elevates the maximum illuminance and lower down the minimum illuminance. While an increment in Lx and Ly would increase the characteristic distance between two predominant asperities and increase minimum illuminance and decrease maximum illuminance. Finite element analyses prove that different friction coefficients in the upper and lower rolls potentially induce surface deflection and thus affect the optical properties. A high illuminance uniformity can be achieved by making a compromise among the fractal parameters (Dx , Dy, Lx and Ly) such that a small difference in the maximum and minimum illuminances is available.
11:40 - 11:55
Title: Non-Fourier Estimate of Electron Temperature in Case of Femtosecond Laser Pulses Interaction with Metals
Author: Mihai Oane
Abstract: This work is devoted to the electron temperature variation in metals through interaction with femtosecond laser pulses. Our study was inspired by the last mathematical breakthroughs regarding the exact analytical solutions of the heat equation in the case of flash laser-matter interaction. To this purpose, the classical Anisimov’s two temperature model was extended via the 3D telegraph Zhukovsky equation. Based upon this new approach, the computational plots of electron thermal fields during the first laser pulse interaction with a gold surface were inferred. It is shown that relaxation times and coupling factors over electron thermal conductivities (g/K) govern the interaction between the laser pulse and metal sample during the first picoseconds. The lower the factor g/K, the higher the electron temperature becomes. In contrast, the lower the relaxation time, the lower the electron temperature.
11:55 - 12:10
Title: Materiale nanocompozite obtinute prin tehnici laser utilizate pentru eliminarea contaminantilor organici
Author: Raluca Ivan
12:10 - 12:25
Title: Ultrafast laser processing of photosensitive glasses for biological applications
Author: Florin Jipa
12:25 - 12:40
Title: In vitro viability and proliferation tests of photosensitive glasses processed by picosecond laser assisted etching
Author: Cristina Elena Staicu
12:40 - 12:55
Title: A new setup for real-time Investigations of Optical Fiber Sensors subjected to Gamma-Rays: case study on Long Period Gratings
Author: Andrei STANCALIE
Abstract: The investigation of the radiation effects on novel or well-assessed sensing devices has attracted a lot of interest, however, the facilities required to do this (when available) are barely accessible to the device to be characterized. In order to reduce the limitations of these types of experiments and ensure a highly controlled environment, we implemented a configuration that permits the on-line testing of optical components inside a Co-60 gamma chamber research irradiator.
12:55 - 13:10
Title: Commisioning experiment on laser-plasma electron acceleration in supersonic gas jet at CETAL-PW laser facility
Author: Georgiana Giubega
Abstract: CETAL-PW high power laser facility reports first accelerated electron beams with maximum energies up to ~500 MeV obtained in Romania, by focusing ultra-short laser pulses of 35 fs with energies up to 5 J before compression on supersonic gas jets of low-density He 99% - N2 1% mixture. The conditions for generation of stable electron beams (root mean square (rms) pointing stability of about 5 mrad), with different types of spectral characteristics and average maximum electron energies between 180 MeV and 380 MeV are presented. Maximum energies for all accelerated electron spectra are well described by theoretical estimations.
13:10 - 13:25
Title: Sistemul de comanda si de achizitie de date la trigger implementat in laserul CETAL-PW
Author: Mihai Serbanescu
Abstract: Modulul de control initial al sistemului laser de mare putere din cadrul departamentului CETAL-PW permitea utilizarea pulsurilor laser doar în mod continuu la o rata de repetitie de 10 si 0,1Hz. Acest lucru îngreuna atât implementarea montajelor cât și desfășurarea experimentelor. În cadrul laboratorului a fost dezvoltat un sistem dedicat pentru controlul modului de emisie a pulsurilor de către sistemul laser. Acesta permite comanda emiterii de pulsuri în mod rafală de câte n pulsuri, sau în mod continuu cu rata de repetiţie nominală sau sub-nominală și generare semnalelor electrice si software de sincronizare asociate pulsurilor. Acestea sunt necesare comenzii dispozitivelor electronice de diagnoză si monitorizare precum si pentru sincronizarea aplicațiilor software de achizitie a datelor experimentale.
13:25 - 13:40
Title: Luminescence thermometry of Ln-Y2O3 nanoparticles under pulsed laser excitation
Author: Daniel Avram

Luminescence thermometry has emerged as an exciting field of research due to its potential in nanotechnology, biomedicine, photonics and microelectronic applications [1]. We present a simple approach to obtain a luminescence nanothermometer operating in the near infrared (NIR) range (1000-1700 nm) under pulsed excitation by use of binary mixtures, Ho - Y2O3 + Er - Y2O3 and Ho - Y2O3 + Nd - Y2O3 [2]. The thermometry performance was assessed in terms of emission shape, intensity, excitation wavelength, dynamics, acquisition mode and weight ratio of the binary mixture [2, 3]. The temperature evolution of the emission shape was monitored in the range of 297 - 472 K. For the binary mixture of Ho - Y2O3 + Er - Y2O3 with 3: 1 weight ratio, the maximum relative sensitivity was of 1% K-1 at 297 K under 536.8 nm excitation [2]. We have further extended the excitation wavelength from visible range to the first biological window using the Er, Ho, Yb codoped Y2O3 nanoparticles. Using pulsed excitation at 905 nm, a maximum relative sensitivity of 1.5 % K-1 at 310 K was obtained, among the best values obtained to date for lanthanide based near infrared luminescent thermometers [4]. References: [1] L. Carlos, F. Palacio, Thermometry at the nanoscale: techniques and selected applications, Thermometry Nanoscale Tech. Sel. Appl. 38, 2016, 124-166 [2] D. Avram, C. Colbea, M. Florea, C. Tiseanu, Highly-sensitive near infrared luminescent nanothermometers based on binary mixture. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 785, 2019, 250-259. [3] D. Avram, C. Tiseanu, Thermometry properties of Er, Yb–Gd2O2S microparticles: dependence on the excitation mode (cw versus pulsed excitation) and excitation wavelength (980 nm versus 1500 nm). Methods and applications in fluorescence, 6(2), 2018, 025004. [4] I. Porosnicu, C. Colbea, F. Baiasu, M. Lungu, M. C. Istrate, D. Avram, C. Tiseanu, A sensitive near infrared to near-infrared luminescence nanothermometer based on triple doped Ln -Y2O3 Methods and Applications in Fluorescence, 8, 2020, 035005.

13:40 - 13:55
Title: Dezvoltarea si optimizarea unei surse de plasma filamentara la presiune atmosferica pentru decontaminarea apelor poluate
Author: Yehia Sasa-Alexandra

Tehnologiile cu plasmă sunt promițătoare pentru decontaminarea apelor poluate datorită radicalilor puternic oxidativi, particulelor încărcate și radiației UV produși de plasmă. În acest studiu raportăm potențialul surselor de plasmă filamentară la presiune atmosferică cu barieră dielectrică (DBD) generate în radiofrecvență pentru decolorarea unei soluții de albastru de metilen (MB). S-au realizat și investigații de spectroscopie optică de emisie (OES) pentru caracterizarea plasmei ce evoluează în aer și imersată în lichid. Procesul de decolorare a fost monitorizat prin spectroscopia de absorbție.

14:00 - 16:00
Title: Curs Laseri
Author: Marian Zamfirescu

Curs laseri

18 December 2020
10:00 - 12:00
Title: De la fizica plasmei la aplicatiile plasmei
Author: Prof. Gheorghe Dinescu
12:00 - 14:00
Title: Laser pulsed deposition techniques: technological progress and applications
Author: Prof. Ion Mihailescu
14:00 - 15:00
Title: Notiuni introductive de fizica materiei condensate
Author: Andrei Popescu
15:00 - 15:20
Title: Dezvoltarea de modele teoretice si numerice pentru controlul activ al perturbatiilor MHD in plasma tokamak
Author: Calin Atanasiu

Dezvoltarea de modele teoretice şi numerice pentru controlul activ al perturbaţiilor MHD în plasma tokamak C.V. Atanasiu1, L.E. Zakharov2, M. Hoelz3, S. Gerasimov4 1National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics,2LiWFusion, Princeton, USA, 3Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany, 4UKAEA-CCFE, Culham Science Centre, UK Instabilitǎțile MHD ale plasmei tokamak de tip kink ce ating peretele tokamak (Wall Touching Kink Modes – WTKM) se dezvoltǎ frecvent ȋn timpul evenimentelor de deplasare verticalǎ a plasmei tokamak (Vertical Displacement Events - VDE) cauzȃnd forțe laterale intense asupra peretelui tokamak, forțe ce sunt greu de stǎpȃnit ȋn instalțiile tokamak ITER și DEMO. Apariția ȋn aceste instalații tokamak a unui numǎr limitat de disrupții va deteriora ȋn mod definitiv peretele, fǎrǎ nicio posibilitate de restaurare. Ințelegere disrupțiilor plasmelor tokamak și prezicerea efectelor reclamǎ simularea realistǎ a curenților excitați ȋn structurile tri-dimensionale ale camerei de reacție de cǎtre plasma ce atinge peretele tokamak. La cererea comunitǎții de fuziune, codul de calcul elaborat de noi a primit statutul de «open source licence» putȃnd fi folosit de ȋntreaga comunitate europeanǎ de fuziune.

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