The TEWALAS system have been installed at INFLPR in 2009. This was part of the strategy to develop the ultra-intense lasers in Romania, started with the GIWALAS laser (2006) and continued with CETAL-PW (2014) and ELI-NP (2019). The system was initially developed by the Solid-State Laser Laboratory (SSLL) up to 1 TW peak power, under the project TEWALAS, and then upgraded up to 15 TW under the project MULTITERA (2007-2009). Since 2018, TEWALAS is placed in a new building including a bunker for radioprotection, giving access to new type of advanced experiments in ultra-intense regimes.
Research topics
The TEWALAS belongs to the CETAL ultra-intense laser facility from INFLPR.
The research activity at TEWALAS focuses on the interaction of ultra-short high-intensity lasers with matter and its aplications: plasma physics and diagnostics, production of sources of energetic particles and radiation and their applications in different scientific fields (medicine, chemistry, space science).
TEWALAS infrastructure
The TEWALAS laboratory is equipped with 15 terawatt laser system built on Ti:Sapphire technology. The compressed laser beam is transported to the vacuum interaction chamber placed in a radio-protection bunker. More info...